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Incizie și drenaj acces

Incizie și drenaj acces




300 RON

What is incision and drainage? What is the procedure?

Incision and drainage are surgical procedures applied especially to inflammatory skin lesions, most commonly of infectious cause, clinically manifested in the form of painful purulent collections (eg skin abscess, boil, anthrax, etc.).After local anesthesia of the skin around the central area, a minimal incision is made parallel to the tension lines of the skin that provide access to the collection of pus and drainage (evacuation) of this content. Purulent secretions are collected for bacteriological examination. Healing will be done per second, as a granulation tissue develops from deep to the surface.

What is a skin abscess?

Skin abscess is a collection of pus on the skin, the result of an infection, having various locations.

What are the risk factors?

• the presence of any type of untreated skin infection

• immunosuppressive conditions (diabetes, neoplasms, immunosuppressive treatment, malnutrition, etc.)

What are the complications?

If left untreated, the abscess can be complicated by the spread of the infection to nearby areas, blood and other parts of the body.

What happens before the intervention?

Before any surgical procedure it is important to tell your doctor if you suffer from any other conditions, if you are allergic to anesthetic or other medicines.It is important to tell your doctor in advance if you are being treated with anticoagulants (blood thinners; eg symptoms, thrombostop, etc.) or antiplatelet agents (eg aspirin, Plavix, etc.).Before the procedure you can consume food and fluids, you are

also encouraged to take your chronic

medication (for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.).

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of the intervention is about 20 minutes.

What are the contraindications to the procedure?

It is not recommended to perform this procedure if:

• have a known allergy to the anesthetic used

you are pregnant or breastfeeding (relative contraindication to local anesthesia, when assessing the risk / benefit ratio of the procedure and deciding on the need for a biopsy)

• follow a systemic anticoagulant treatment (relative contraindication - there is a risk of postoperative bleeding)

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