Treatment of minor burns

600 RON
About burns and their classification
Minor burns can often occur in the household with multiple causes: burning with liquids, hot objects or steam, contact with hot objects, chemicals, etc.
Depending on the depth, the burns can be:
• superficial burns (epidermal) - grade I
• partially superficial burns - grade II A
• partially deep burns - grade II B
• total burns "the entire thickness of the dermis" - grade III
According to the ABA (American Burn Association), the following types of burns are considered minor burns that can be treated on an outpatient basis:
• superficial superficial burns on less than 5-10% of the body surface in children and the elderly
• superficial partial burns on less than 15% of the body surface in adults
• burns "the entire thickness of the dermis", less than 2% of the body surface in adults but without affecting the special areas of gravity, these being: face, hands, perineum and feet
Clinical features of burns
Superficial or grade I burn:
• affects only the epidermis
• locally the patient feels a burning sensation and heat, and the skin will be edematous and red
• this type of burn heals spontaneously, in 2-3 days, without final consequences
• Transient hyperpigmentation and flaking may occur
Partially superficial or grade II A burn:
• affects the first layer of the skin in its entirety (epidermis) and part of the dermis
• the skin has a pink appearance, with blisters and perilesional edema (inflammation) and exudate in large quantities
• live pain present
• these burns heal spontaneously in 7-14 days, without the appearance of scars
Partially deep or grade II B burn:
• completely affects the first layer of skin, namely the epidermis but also the second layer of skin (dermis) to depth
clinically the general condition of the patient is affected
• flickering and white or bright red escarpment are highlighted on the skin
• significant edema
• intense pain and areas of analgesia
• they can heal spontaneously in about two / three weeks only on small areas and the healing is done with the appearance of scar areas
Burns the entire thickness of the dermis or grade III:
• completely destroy all skin layers and skin reserves to recover spontaneously
• white or gray-gray blisters and bedsores appear
• the general condition of the patient is profoundly altered
• healing of these burns is done over a long period of time and with outstanding scars
Treatment of minor burns
Local treatment for minor burns includes:
• local toilet of the entire burned area with antiseptic solutions
• removal of blisters
• dressing the wound with special burn dressings
• apply antibacterial ointments to the burnt wound that protect the burn area and promote its healing
The burnt wound should be cared for daily to avoid infection.
The general treatment of the burnt wound includes:
• tetanus prophylaxis
• analgesics as needed
• antibiotic therapy in case of infection of the burned wound
• Proper hydration and proper diet
• it is important that the burned area is kept in a prone position to help reduce edema