Lipoliza injectabilă

dr.Adelina Pop 1.000RON;
alt medic 900RON
What is lipolysis?
Chemical lipolysis is a minimally invasive procedure increasingly used to remove small and medium areas of well-defined adipose tissue or can also be used to improve the appearance of cellulite and consists of injecting substances with lipolytic action on the fat layer.
Indications for injectable lipolysis
• lower third of the face (submandibular area) - goiter / double chin
• fat located at the level of the hips / buttocks
• knee area
• fat located in the abdomen
• localized fat at the thighs
• multiple lipomas
• reduction of superficial cellulite
What does the injectable lipolysis procedure entail?
At the time of the consultation, the patient will be examined and all the details related to this procedure will be discussed, the number of sessions required and the doctor will answer all the questions you have.
The area to be treated will be disinfected and a local anesthetic cream can be applied to reduce the patient's discomfort. The subcutaneous lipolytic solution is then injected into the fat layer with a fine needle or cannula at a distance of 1-2 cm and the area for the dispersion of the substance is gently massaged.
The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes, and the final results will be seen a few months after the injection depending on the injected product.
Immediately after the injection, the area will be red, swollen, and the patient may experience a local feeling of warmth and slight discomfort, which resolve spontaneously in about 2-3 days after the injection.
What are the contraindications to the lipolysis procedure?
• pregnant or breastfeeding women
• patients with diabetes
• malignant diseases
•cardiovascular diseases
kidney disease
• blood diseases
patients with allergies
Post-injection recommendations
• avoid exposure to the sun, solarium and hot baths
• Avoid alcohol and smoking immediately after the procedure
• Do not use anti-inflammatory drugs
• it is recommended to massage the area after the procedure and in the next week
• balanced diet with the avoidance of fatty foods
• maintaining proper hydration
The results of the procedure last over time, but if the patient has large weight changes or does not have a balanced diet, the areas of fat may reappear.